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Good Deeds at scale

Our unique system enables us to do good deeds and humanitarian interventions as a commercial enterprise. And it gets bigger every month. More Good Deeds. Bigger Good Deeds.

Good Deeds

15./ Simple kindness leads to more.

Really simple little good deed I received…I parked my bike up in town, ...

Good Deeds

14./ Hot choclate for a broken nose. It’s all I could do.

I was in town…loads of beggars and homeless people…one guy was ...

Good Deeds

11./ A Balti fit for a King

So I was in Broomhill in Sheffield about to get my hair cut and buy ...

Good Deeds

10./ Literary Christmas presents to give to homeless people or Big Issue Sellers.

So the three copies of Letters From Birmingham Jail by Marting Luther Ling Jr arrived, ...

Good Deeds

9./ A book shared with a brother.

I ordered a book online, Letter from Birmingham Jail, by Martin Luther King. It was ...

Good Deeds

8./ Chocolates for the co op bank man

There’s a nice man that works in the Co Op Bank in Sheffield City ...

Good Deeds

7./ Some nice cold remedies for the homeless guy

I went to Aldi to buy some of the really nice chocolate coated almonds they ...

Good Deeds

6./ The socks, the gloves, the cosy blanket.

It’s a cold day. I see a guy asleep on a wall at the ...

Good Deeds

5./ A gift for Jamal

You might have seen the video of Jamal, a Syrian schoolboy in Huddersfield, being bullied. ...

Good Deeds

4./ Life is a Rocky Road Good Deed

It’s no big deal, I was in M&S shopping for my tea, ...

Good Deeds

Good Deed #3 Saying Yes.

At the beginning of this year I was in a bit of a tangle, and ...

Good Deeds

Good Deed 2. The pot of soup.

If you want to explore ethics, forget reading theory. Go do good deeds.I bought ...

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