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Good Deeds at scale

Our unique system enables us to do good deeds and humanitarian interventions as a commercial enterprise. And it gets bigger every month. More Good Deeds. Bigger Good Deeds.

Good Deeds

58./ I saved a life.

I was driving to Leeds and one the other side of the road was a ...

Good Deeds

57./ Costa Coffee were kind to a couple of rough sleepers.

Driving through Broomhill in Sheffield I saw couple of rough sleepers, huddled in sleeping bags, ...

Good Deeds

56./ A hot chocolate, and a door to another life.

I’m in Leeds, coming from a meeting, looking for a good deed to do ...

Good Deeds

55./ Cleaning up the city.

Grafitti tagging removal. Taggers try to claim some sort of perceived ownership of a space. ...

Good Deeds

54./ Blessed are the peace makers. For they shall be called the children of God.

I think Jesus said many wise things, not just wise, but vital, a hard to ...

Good Deeds

53./ Bringing a Little Levity

My friend works incredibly hard and is under a huge amount of stress and pressure ...

Good Deeds

52./ Tried to do a good deed for one man and his dog.

I was in town, and there was a homeless guy begging, with a litttle poodle, ...

Good Deeds

49./ Good Deeds by the sea side

We went to Whitby, just for the day, it’s completely lovely! Parked up and ...

Good Deeds

48./ Can we help Peter Brown know he is loved and missed please

There’s posters for this chap all over Whitby, and Scarborough, and all that area, ...

Good Deeds

47./ We just sponsored another child. Here’s why.

As part of our EthicalMuch busienss we sponsor children, through CompassionUK, a Christian charity. Here’...

Good Deeds

46./ Something for me. Apparently this can still be a good deed?

Having considered the points raised in the recent post regarding ‘what is a good deed’ ...

Good Deeds

45./ Bought this iphone cover, it’s way too big, and sending it back to Amazon is too much hassle. I’ll donate it to a charity shop and call it a good deed instead.

Sponsored by Equiniti Credit ServicesI’ve bought things on Amazon before, but this item was ...

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