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Woeful journalism supports tobacco investment.

This got on my wick.This article from the Telegraph managed to press about six ...


It’s not blockchain, it’s us.

The Gurdian writes critically of blockchain and bitcoin. But it’s not the tech. It’...


This makes me want to be a lesbian. Who techs.

Tech Events can be dull. This probably won’t be.I happened to come across ...

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Killing journalists is not OK

And nor is it good for business.The disappearance / murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi ...

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R2D2 is hard on Metal Earth

This was the droid I was looking for. 8/10 for effort.I spent Saturday ...

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Nice one drug dealers, graffers, and women.

How breaking the law can lead to bad laws breaking. It’s encouraging to see ...

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Citizen Science … I heard it on the radio and I liked it…

I happened to hear a thing on radio 4, and it talked about Citizen Science, ...

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Chernobyl Goes Solar

I remember Chernobyl. I was 13 years old, doing a morning paper round, it had ...

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UWO = Unexplained Wealth Order … About time

According to the BBC ” A woman fighting to keep her £11.5m London home, ...

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UK Gov Does The Right Thing

Yes it’s true. Today is World Mental Health day, and Theresa May has ...

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An interesting article I found on US Christianity

I’m a Christian, and I can relate to the headline of this article. ...

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You’ll love this movie.

If you’ve never watched the film Basquait, here it is, in full. Cast ...

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