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Good Deeds at scale

Our unique system enables us to do good deeds and humanitarian interventions as a commercial enterprise. And it gets bigger every month. More Good Deeds. Bigger Good Deeds.

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Good Deeds

131./ Family in need

This request for help came from 5 miles away from the area we had delivered ...

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Good Deeds

130./ More people definitely in need.


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Good Deeds

129./ More essentials mean light at the end of the tunnel.

Our shopper is actually shopping for five people simultaneously. Here’s number two, purchased, ...

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Good Deeds

128./ Kindness delivered ASAP

Another request for a food parcel comes in. Our shopper purchases the basics and delivers ...

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Good Deeds

127./ More Good Friday Goodness

Another lady needed shopping getting, I had to go to get petrol so i thought ...

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Good Deeds

126./ Good Friday food delivery

A lady texted in and we had a few conversations. She has complicated dietary requirements. ...

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Good Deeds

125./ Electricity top up

Imagine running out of electric in these days of lockdown. No cooking, no television, no ...

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Good Deeds

124./ Some shopping for a nice lady in need

A lady got in touch asking for some shopping. She lives with her elderly mother ...

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Good Deeds

123./ The cemetery road flats clean up

Hi everyone, I have just spent the last two hours making my communal space a ...

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Good Deeds

122./ Fed a grumpy bee.

One of those big fat bumble bees that get cross when you try to help ...

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Good Deeds

121./ And finally. For the day.

I delivered the big load of shopping to the lady from GD 119 and she ...

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Good Deeds

120./ Spontaneous opportunity to help

I’m not very good at shopping! I was fumbling the purchases and trying ...

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