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370. For the guys begging

By bird_lovegod | 17 January 21 02:39pm | Good Deeds

We buy our food deliveries from Aldi and there’s usually a couple of guys begging outside, just sitting and asking for change. Spare any Change? I know they use drugs and don’t want to dig them a deeper hole so I ask them if they’d like anything to eat or drink. They usually have very specific requests, in this instance, a chicken and stuffing sandwich, and for the other lad, swiss role with lemon curd and strawberry jam. I get their requests and give to them once I’ve done the rest of the shopping. I have a chat with Jason, the chicken sandwich request, about how it has to be the chicken and stuffing, not the sweetcorn, not the bacon, the stuffing. It’s the one. Not sure the Sicilians are famous for Swiss rolls but ok.

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