176./ New bedding for the whole family.
This little family consists of dad, mum, 15month old baby girl and mum has another on the way.
They’ve had a couple of food parcels and a utility top up via our service, and we know a little about the situation, the dad was working full time, but only on a ten hour contract, so when everyone got furloughed that was all he was entitled to. So they’ve also been waiting on benefits to come through and all the other difficulties of suddenly having to make ends meet.
When we got in touch asking if they wanted any bedding they were thrilled, and they explained why they needed it, and we thought wow, ok, let’s do the best we can for you.
So they received a double duvet and cover and sheets for mum and dad, and a single duvet and cover and sheets and pillows and cases and five cushions as well. It’ll make a real difference to them, they could never afford to buy these, and they’re a small family, just starting out, in the most difficult time and situation, and they’re doing the best they can. Last week the dad even offered to buy some tins to give us to donate when he gets the benefits through.
We’re going to look after this family.
This bedding, mixed and matched to best suit this little family, was donated by: Pat, Ann, Ursula, and Lisa. Thank you very very Much!
UPDATE: Regarding gifting of bedding and other items. Please see this page of our website: DONATE AND GIVE to understand what can be gifted and how we keep people safe.