Cambodia 156
We have delivery food parcels such as rice , noodles, soy sauce, fish sauce and soap powder to Mom Dany, about 50 years old. She lives with her three sons, Mey (16) and Mean (13). They are poor but they work really hard to live. Sometimes they have to go fishing for food. They also collect firewood and cashew nuts nuts for sales to make a living.
Due to the poverty, all her three kids gave up their study.
The two boys have migrated into the city to work at a construction site (sweatshop types of work). They had to return to their village because they were exploited.
Status: Poor widow with three small children, Location: Korkrovieng village, Korkrovieng commune, Cheoung Prey district, Kompong Cham province.

Total expenses: $ 15
God Bless you Mr. Bird