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Art and Creativity

Everything’s alright Yes, everything’s fine…

You’ve heard of Jesus Christ Superstar but have you any idea how brilliant it ...

News and Views

Invasive advertising is alive and flourishing on the Daily Mail website.

I read other websites as well, I just want to clarify that point first… ...

News and Views

And here’s an important article from the BBC regarding Ugandan lady and model Judith Heard.

Forget the nonsense of Brexit for a moment, this story from Judith Heard deserves to ...

Art and Creativity

I just wasted forty minutes laughing at these Silicon Valley series snippets. Best 40 mins of the day so far.

If you don’t know Silicon Valley it’s time you did.… And if ...

News and Views

I’m trying to understand Mrs Mays mentality and why she’s managed to get this Brexit so wrong.

The bottom line is this… She took it upon herself to negotiate the deal ...

News and Views

Voting…There’s an app for that…Actually there isn’t, and why not?



Equity Crowdfunding… go on then, how does it work Mr?


News and Views

Plastic. Five things that we really need to do.

The plastic problem is a big one… we keep making more of the stuff ...

Business News

Christian Finance… Is that a thing even?…


News and Views

Should women refugees and asylum seekers be given preference over men?

Reading about the 18 year old woman Rahaf Alqunun being given asylum in Canada after ...

Art and Creativity

Pug Mugs and Badgers

Everyone likes Pugs… they out perform Unicorns on the ‘I want a picture of ...

Business News

Either business has radically changed in the last few years, or I’ve become a wiser man…

First published by Bird Lovegod in the Yorkshire Post. Viewable here on Pressreader....

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