Welcome New Charity Member GreaterChange. A unique and direct way to support individual people facing homelessness.
Homelessness is an issue particularly close to our hearts here at Ethical Much… so we are really pleased to be able to support this particular charity, GreaterChange.co.uk
The unique feature of this charity is that they have identified particular individuals facing homelessness, and together with a support charity called Aspire, they have put together a plan for each individual to get them back on their feet. For example:
Rebecca’s Plan:
- Raise money to pay off arrears
- Receive Kidney Transplant and recover from surgery and Renal Failure
- Get back into work as a Carer
- Study for and obtain nursing qualifications
Having the support structure in place, and with it the guarantee that money raised is spent on fulfilling the plan, is half the process. The second half is raising money for those specific individuals plans. Once raised, the money is used, by the support charity, to implement that plan.
Have a look. It’s brilliant. Very direct, very individualised, very effective and meaningful. Changing lives, one at a time. Spot on. We look forward to working with them more and more. And of course, if you’re a member of Ethical Much and do a good deed you can donate the money to one of the individuals listed on the GreaterChange site. See Good Deed number 46.