Our Goverment has a policy of deliberate impoverishment. They call it ‘austerity’. And not one of them has suffered it themselves.
I’ve been thinking about the political choice of deliberate impoverishment this government calls ‘austerity.’
There’s been an increase in crime, antisocial behaviours, and what feels like a degradation, or at least stagnation, of civilisation and civility. And I’m beginning to understand why. Lowering people into a climate of ‘austerity’, ie impoverishment, is like putting them in water they can just about keep thier head above, if that’s all they focus on doing. Imagine a sea of struggling, almost drowning people. This is the conservative governments vision of ‘austerity’. A cruelly and deliberately inflicted life of poverty. A life of cut off possibilities, culled potential, restricted and stunted. A non choice for millions of UK citizens to suffer, a deliberate choice from a few hundred MPs to inflict and enforce. I’m only just starting to see the immense and disgraceful injustice of this.