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Just got to say how totally brilliant paintballing is at Delta Force in Sheffield.

By bird_lovegod | 13 May 19 09:43am | News and Views

The sun shone, the pollen from the pine forest added a golden tint to the air, and the balls flew hard and fast…

Half the fun of paintball is shooting people. The other half is getting shot. It feels like being in a real battle, slightly chaotic, increasingly tense, shocking when the balls connect and the stab of pain drops you to the ground. Two in the ribs and one on the back of the hand in the space of a second. I’m on the floor, rolling in the dirt and leaves, the sting subsides, the adrenaline kicks in, I’m back up to respawn and take some mother out.

Brilliant exercise, by the end of the day I can feel every muscle, there’s bruises coming up on every limb and surface. I started the day in t shirt, cardigan, thick jacket and body armour, with camo overalls on top. A few games in I discover you can either sweat or bleed. I choose to bleed, stripping off to just jeans, t shirt, and camo overall. Plus the helmet and goggles of course. The shots hit harder, the pain more intense, two in the back and I’m on my knees, one in the inside thigh, one in the deltoid under my left arm, a day later, the bruise is something to behold. Looks like I’ve been exposed to high levels of gamma radiation more than anything else. I feel refreshed, revived, ready for the week. I’m in the gym before nine on Monday, war wounds peppering my torso, grin plastered cheek to cheek.

Next month I’m back again. Black Ops package, assault riffle, 950 rounds, grenades and smoke.

Headshots just for fun.

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