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778. Long conversation

By bird_lovegod | 27 March 23 01:36pm | Good Deeds

I took him some shopping and we spoke for maybe 20 minutes, talking about God, and religions, and people. He tries to look after and love his neighbours, sharing food with them, and spending time listening to them. He’s a well educated chap, he did a degree in English Literature, well read, but one of those people for whom the hole of society is a poor fit for the shape he is formed. Bought him lots of good food, some of which he will share with others. Wondering if I should buy him extra next time, like dozens of tins for example, then he can be a point of support for people on his road and in the nearby flats, he can feed them. I’ll ask him if he’s like to do that, and next time I’m in Aldi I’ll do that, if he likes.

£38.30 from subscriber fund

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