587. An appology
I was, by my own admission, and without excuse, a bit of a dick. I upset two people, I didn’t mean to, I’m not really sure what came over me, why I was rude. It happens, I guess, to us all, at some point or other. When this was drawn to my attention I felt very bad about it, saddened, and embarrassed, and hurt that I had hurt. I never mean or want to hurt anyone. I felt confused about why I had been like that. To apologise, I went to my studio, and chose a pair of nice paintings, and gave them to the people, with a card I made saying sorry. I felt restored after that, I had done wrong, understood and acknowledged that, and then done my best to make restoration. It was a good lesson for me, I don’t think I’ll be like that again, I hope not. If I stay close to God, I know I will not.
Paintings from Bird