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Welcome to Suitebox! Our latest brilliant business member! And they have a really cool thing…

By bird_lovegod | 18 April 19 12:42pm | Business News

Suitebox are expanding from New Zealand into the UK, and they’re super welcome here, bringing face to face to a digital space! What does that mean?

Well, they’re a business that makes life easier for the likes of financial advisors, banks, and financial institutions, by making it more efficient and user friendly to complete online forms and agreements.

Ever applied for a financial product or service online? Probably a bit painful. Did you know around 97% of people who begin an online application quit before getting to the end?! That’s how annoying it is for users, and that means those companies are losing a great deal of deals.

Suitebox is an ‘in-person virtual business meeting tool’, a video assistant platform whereby the advisor actually walks and talks the user through the process, helping them with any queries and basically providing a face to face experience like it used to be back in the olden days. It’s the best of digital and personal. The system enables forms and contracts to be completed and signed in real time in a secure, trustable, and user friendly way that’s actually helpful to the customer or client.

Humanising digital communications. We love it. And they’re supporting Good Deeds through EthicalMuch. We love it even more.

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