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Cambodia 155

By bird_lovegod | 22 May 24 04:06pm | EthicalMuch Cambodia

We have delivered food parcels Rice , noodles, soy sauce, fish sauce and soap powder to Grandma Kha, 65 years old. She lives with her trangendered daughter. They both make their living from picking up firewood in the forest to sell. They can make 1 or 2 USD per day. Sometimes they risk their lives going to someone’s farm to collect cashew nuts for sales. They have no small children to take care of. 

They also serve their community events in exchange for food. Trangendered has been still marginalized but becoming socially accepted now. Ming Ra feels better after being previously rejected. 

Status: Poor grandmother Location: Korkrovieng village, Korkrovieng commune, Cheoung Prey district, Kompong

Cham province.

Total expenses : $ 15

Thank you and Blessings Mr. Bird for your support 🙏🙏


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