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Cambodia 135

By bird_lovegod | 2 February 24 12:30pm | EthicalMuch Cambodia

EM Cambodia, saved life one more person yesterday in Siem Reap province.
Sara Bunchantha, 42 year-old. He is a transport guests who visit Angkor Wat temple. He has a problem in his family, his wife has an other partner and divorced with him.
Currently, he has diabetes seriously and has chronic venous leg ulcers. He doesn’t have money to go to hospital by only using Khmer medicine ( medicine make from the tree roots) and buy antibiotics by himself without advice from the Doctor. It makes him seriously from day by day. He is hopelessly!!. He doesn’t have home for stay. He is staying on remork ( Khmer PassApp) at night time under the tree somewhere, see the picture of remork in the picture attached. (He sleeps on the little tuk tuk vehicle)

Yesterday, on 30th January 2024, he text Muylen for help.
Immediately. Muylen advices he must stop using Khmer medicine from now and going to hospital and EM will cover the cost. He follow Muylen advice and go to hospital after chatted.
The results from the doctor found his  HbA1C -12 and sugar very high is 600.
Today he text to inform Muylen that he is much better after take a medicine from the doctor and He said send a message to thank you in below:

Thank you Mr. Bird and Muylen so much for this great encouragement on me. I do not know what to say besides respecting the highest virtues, and may God bless you both to be happy, to love each other, and to bless you both in good business good luck. This is a text from him .

Even he is get better but really need to carefully and follow up every day.

Thank you very much Mr. Bird for EM ministry it is very good ministry for save life for who are hopeless in life and make them full of hope and commitment in life in the world 


God bless you 

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