Love to the street performers… Like these guys!
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It’s brilliant when talented people play their music and sing in the street. Definitely to be encouraged. I saw these two, and they we good so I thought to buy one of their CDs for a fiver and claim it back as a Good Deed! (Is that cheeky?!)

Unfortunately I discovered my wallet lacked the necessary fiver! Booo. But I did find £2 in my pocket so I dropped it in their briefcase! Does giving £2 to some cool street performers count as a Good Deed?
PS If it does can I have a mystery postal reward please?!
1 Comment
Editor on 25th March 2019 19:42:40
Yo bird, you’ve been busy! Look, it’s cool, we’ll send you the Mystery Postal Reward for giving the guys a couple of quid. Music makes the people come together right? That’s what Madge says anyway. Stay cool Birdman.