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Tuesday 30th July 2019

By bird_lovegod | 30 July 19 10:27am | Uncategorised

Continued communication with PF Cambodia …

Good day to you Varin and Tim and Orng, and Chris,

Children of Prisoner Program:

1.      We have more than 1,200 child in our sponsorship program across 13 provinces including Phnom Penh, the activities of this program are: correspondent letter to their sponsors and back to the child to promote the relationship between them and also help the child to learn communication, building confident and encouragement while their parents in prison. Our program officer doing all this job along with our church partners, currently we have 54

I’d be very pleased to assist you in supporting some of these children and families. It would be a privilege to be able to meet some of them, and be given the opportunity to help them in practical ways.

2.      We do also have other activities to support them, such as education, training, other events…etc. that normally we cooperated with local authority, department of social affair and our church partners.

Happy to be present and involved if appropriate.

3.      We also supported them the school materials such as uniforms, books pencil,…etc., some school fees if required, bicycle if he school is too far…etc. 

I would be delighted to assist in material assistance such as this. People here in the UK have provided donations to be used for direct assistance such as this.

4.      We supported them to see their parents at the prison or at least a phone call to build and restore the relationship between them

Happy to assist if possible / appropriate.

5.        More program…

Question: Would some of the families appreciate the support of being provided with means to support themselves better? I’m thinking of example like chicken rearing, provision of such items as to be able to run a small business, this kind of thing? 

In Prison Program:

1.      Vocational skills training: we supported the prisons in running a number of vocational training such as sewing classes, computer classes, electric class, …etc. 

I’d be happy to help out any way possible and appropriate.

2.      Health & Nutrition: we purchase some foods to support the prisoners in a number of prisons. Food is vital for them as usually not enough foods to eat. 

I would definitely want to help with providing food for them.

3.      Resiliency of spirit: We partner with local church partners in providing bible classes to the prisoners in the prisons, we also have Alpha TV in 10 prison too, going to install another 10 in the next 3months.

Again, I will help if I can.

4.       Foreign prisoner visitation: we also facilitate the expatriate to visit the foreign prisoners and also have bible classes for the foreign prisoners too. 

I would certainly be willing to visit and support.

5.      Reintegration support of the prisoners back to the communities

Certainly, I would be happy to help with this. There is a budget for providing material support for individuals to run their own small business for example.

PS: I am going to have a new job in a company late next month, so I won’t be with you at that time you are in Cambodia, however our board certainly will get involved with you and they are looking for my replacement soon, so there will be people that you can connect to.  

OK, well thank you very much for the assistance and I pray you will find happiness and success in your new role.

Please let us know about the possible activities that you might be interested and good fit with your plans and commitment.

See comments above 🙂 

My current thoughts are that it would be great to spend most of the time of my stay working with you guys, and serving the people, if that’s convenient for yourselves. 

Thank you very much indeed, I hope I can be a blessing to you, and those you serve,

Peace be with you,


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