A huge win in the fight for care for survivors of slavery
We are delighted to share with you that the Home Office have withdrawn the 45 day limit on support for confirmed survivors of slavery!
This is a HUGE step forward in a 7-year long fight to see survivors of trafficking and modern slavery receive the care and support they deserve. The 45 day support cut off has been deemed unlawful and a new needs-based system will be introduced which recognises that recovery varies from person to person and cannot be achieved within 6 weeks.
The Snowdrop Project are honoured to have been able to provide evidence for this case to Duncan Lewis Solicitors and are looking forward to working with the Modern Slavery Unit to help guide the needs-based assessment which will hopefully create sustainable and meaningful change for individuals who have endured and survived trafficking.
Lara Bundock, Snowdrop CEO, says “For the last 7 years we have fought to see this policy changed to be appropriate to survivor needs. None of this could or can be achieved without the perseverance of many minds and voices and those that support Snowdrop’s vision of better and brighter futures for survivors. This is a huge step in the journey that I am so happy to celebrate, but with the knowledge that the details of the path ahead still lay unknown. However, we will be diligent to carry on the message of independence, dignity and hope for the future for all survivors of trafficking.”
Thank you as always for your continued support and for being part of the mission to see a future free from trafficking.