624. Christmas shopping and a slow cooker.
I really like this chap. He’s also overcome some really tough times, and it’s always a pleasure to see him. He’s given me a DVD to watch on Christmas Eve, called The Lucky Man. Looking forward to that.
Again, the Christmas shop is super and I’m really grateful to all you subscribers who have made it possible. Roast lamb shoulder, all the fresh veg, fresh chicken, smoked salmon, loads of veg, super. And also a slow cooker, to make soups and so on, he can probably make a casserole or curry in there on boxing day.
Nice. Very very nice. He sent me a Chrstmas card, to the Church I go to, STC at Crookes. God bless him.
£50.39 from subscriber fund for Christmas shopping + £14 from the subscriber fund for the slow cooker.
And also a box of Huel bars, from Huel. Thank you to CEO James.