267. £10 Electric makes all the difference.
Try living without electricity for a day. No thanks. Try living with a constant eye on the meter, can you afford to cook this meal, or will it tip the power off? There’s 49p left, shall we watch TV or shall we have the heater on for half an hour? Trivial choices, forced into hard reality by the sand flowing through the glass of a pay per use electricity meter. How are you supposed to plan long term, even think long term, when you have to work out how to get a tenner for tomorrow to keep the lights on.

When EM is in a position to do so removing the burden of energy poverty is one of the things we are going to get focussed on. It’s just so unnecessary for people to be running around for £10. Such a waste of emotional energy and stress. Here’s what EMEnergy would look like: An energy supplier, renewables of course, and you pay £10 on top of every bill to support people on low incomes so they can have £40 free electricity every month. We could end fuel poverty. One day, we’ll do this. And more.
£10 funded by Ursula.