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Good Deeds at scale

Our unique system enables us to do good deeds and humanitarian interventions as a commercial enterprise. And it gets bigger every month. More Good Deeds. Bigger Good Deeds.

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Good Deeds

845. Another one of Gods children

Took him a usual delivery of suitble food, plus a packet of Whiskas for his ...

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Good Deeds

844. Chicken dinner

Back to the same gnarly Tesco, same again basically, bought the guy a chicken as ...

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Good Deeds

843. Big shop and a lightbulb

Bought her a goodly amount of shopping, and a couple of lightbulbs, which cost a ...

Good Deeds

842. Last time ever I do this.

He asked for money for electricity, and I sent it, and he didn’t ...

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Good Deeds

841. A bit of tough love

This lady has a world of problems, and takes zero care of herself in any ...

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Good Deeds

840. I seriously wonder

She texted in and phoned and was in a bit of a state. Ethical Much ...

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Good Deeds

839. Food and meds

He needed shopping doing, and also his medication collecting from the chemist. Happy to be ...

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Good Deeds

838. Photo tells a story

Damp walls, walking stick, he’s a great guy, a Christian, converted from Islam, ...

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Good Deeds

837. Sunday delivery

And it was after 4, so all the supermarkets were closed, so went to a ...

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Good Deeds

836. And crisis hits

Same lady as last post, only this time she’s had to leave her ...

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Good Deeds

835. Another new person, quite far away.

She lives right on the edge of Sheffield, so it was quite a drive, but ...

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Good Deeds

834. New person reaches out

I’m not sure where he found out about Ethical Much, from an existing ...

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