Cambodia 93. A letter from a church in Siem Reap
I’m Pastor Kim Savorn and my wife is Annabelle Gonzaga Kim and our daughter Biyaya Kim. We used to live in Phnom Penh, our ministry in Phnom Penh was in a slum area that is in the outskirts of the city, and we also have a ministry in Kompong Thom that most members were widows in the village as well.
In 2014 we came to Siem Reap and one of our friends invited us to visit a new resettlement that Government removed the people from the slum areas. We prayed together with our friends for the people in that village and the following year 2015 God touched our hearts seriously to consider the people in that village and then God provided us the land and a church building and we were able to start the ministry and out reach to the children, youths and some adults.
Many children and young people and adults attended the church and their parents were pleased, we named the church is “Jesus Saves Church ” and we keep praying and ministering to the people in this village that Phumville village shall be saved, so our church activities are preaching, teaching, counselling and more.
Our church activities weekly is Monday to Friday English class, Saturday at 3:30 PM until 5:00PM practice and preparing for Sunday service.
Sunday worship service started at 8:30am until 10:30am and after worship services we have food fellowship (lunch )and at 2:00pm we have Bible study until 4:00pm. The church’s members are mostly children and young people. And they are really blessed through the church because they are able to eat and learn more from the church because their living standard is really difficult by (hand to mouth) their work mostly construction worker and cleaner in the Hotels or streets.
They come to the church and they feel safe and they enjoy it but they are really hungry because at home they are lacking of food.
So it is right the church provide food fellowship after church worship services, we feed them physical food and spiritual food yes and emotional and social they really growing up together.
So I really blessed and I’d like to appreciate you Bird and Ethical Much for your help may we always continue to pray for one another and helping together for the extended the Kingdom of God through His ministry as He has trusted in us.
To God be the Glory!
Sincerely pastor Kim Savorn and family,
Cambodia Shalom!
Ethical Much donates 50kg of rice per month to Jesus Saves Church,

cost $30 per month