Cambodia 144
We have delivered food parcels to one family in Siem Reap province.
His name is Chheang Chhan, 29 – year – old. He is working as a construction worker .
His wife’s name is Herm Hean, 28- year-old, staying home to look after the children.
They have 3 children, all are boys.
They need more support on food and study materials for the children.
Herm Hean wants to sell vegetables at the market but doesn’t have the capital for start yet.
Items provided are:
1. Rice 10kg $ 6.872. Noodle ( 5 packages) $ 0.883. Fish cans ( 4 cans) $ 2.504. White sular $ 15. Fish sauce and soy sauce one each $ 1.25
Total expenses: $ 12.50
Thank you Mr. Bird for your compassionate to khmer people in needs,