Cambodia 143
We have delivered food parcels to one family in Siem Reap province.Her name is Chheang Prame, 38-year-old, she works as a house cleaner . Her husband’s name is Mao Sochan, 37-year-old, He is working as a construction worker.
They have 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl. They are studying in the great 6 in the public school.
They can earn $ 3.75 per day = $ 112.50 per month.
They do need more support on food and study materials for their children.
Items provided are :1. Rice 10kg $ 6.872. Noodle ( 5 packages) $ 0.883. Fish cans ( 4 cans) $ 2.504. White sugar $ 15. Fish sauce and soy source one each $ 1.25
Total expenses : $ 12.50
Thank you very much Mr. Bird for your help Khmer people in Need,