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Joii Pet Care reaches 100,000 registered pets milestone

By MacComms | 16 November 20 10:02am | Business News

Veterinary app, Joii Pet Care, run by Leeds-based tech firm Vet-AI has passed a significant milestone in growth this week as 100,000 UK pets are now registered with the app.

Launched in 2019 by experienced vets Robert Dawson and Sarah Dawson, and tech entrepreneur Paul Hallett, Joii Pet Care’s mission is to provide accessible and affordable veterinary care to pet owners through remote consultations.

As lockdown forced owners and their pets to stay at home earlier this year, Joii, an app that allows users to video call a vet for just £20, has seen monthly consultations rise by 900% compared to this time last year. With many veterinary practices only seeing emergency patients during lockdown, Joii’s service has allowed pet owners to seek professional veterinary advice from the comfort of their homes during this difficult time.

Joii’s growth has also allowed them to support the welfare of animals through charity work. The company is currently supporting: Thin Blue Paw – a charity created this year to support retired police dogs; and Dogs for Autism – a charity providing assistance dogs to those who need them. Joii are extremely proud to support these charities by offering free vet consults for the dogs involved and raising awareness of these causes to their community of engaged and passionate pet owners.

Paul Hallett comments:

“When we created Joii, we always had one goal in mind and that was to make pet care more accessible and affordable for pet parents everywhere. This milestone is real validation that pet parents need our service. In times when so many people are feeling vulnerable and finances are tight, we are proud to be making a difference and supporting pet owners and charities across the UK.

“Our pets have a powerful impact on our own mental wellbeing. They bring us so much joy and when something’s not quite right with them, it can be hugely worrying for an owner. Joii is like the NHS 111 for pets; our team is here to help pet owners 24/7, 365 days a year.”

80% of pet owners admit to Googling their pet’s symptoms* and with so much conflicting advice available, the Joii app is a safer alternative. It features a free symptom checker that helps pet owners decide what to do when there is a problem. Video calls with vet nurses are free and veterinary surgeon calls are just £20. Joii vets will also help owners decide whether their pet needs to visit a clinic, which has become a lifeline for those concerned about leaving their homes.

Whilst the firm acknowledges that telemedicine will never replace physical practices and an ongoing need for physical examination, pet owners can see a Joii vet for 80% of issues that can be diagnosed online affordably and conveniently.

The team have set their sights on global expansion in 2021, looking to bring their service to help improve animal welfare around the world.

Joii Pet Care is officially partnered with Animal Friends Insurance, the PDSA, Kennel Club and the Thin Blue Paw charity.

*Survey of 900 pet owners, commissioned by Joii Pet Care and carried out by YouGov in April 2020.

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