EthicalMuch Cambodia
Cambodia 208
Strolling further along the river bank I saw a sight that I knew was going ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Strolling further along the river bank I saw a sight that I knew was going ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Muylen had to attend a meeting so I went off on my own for a ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
As we were saying farewell to the chap above, this sweet family pulled over in ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Another cyclo driver. Again, just earning a few dollars a day, $5 on a very ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Muylen wanted to find and help a cyclo driver. They are usually old men, a ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Second guy.This guy was walking along pushing a little trolley, around 5:30 in ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
We decided to do some spontaneous street level good works. Phnom Penh is the kind ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Hark. So the plan is to go to a place called Living Water Farm, run ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
She doesn’t have a husband. She doesn’t have a job . She doesn’t ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
Her name’s Khut Map, 41. Her husband name’s Kim Chea, 31. They have ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
His name’s Tha Thoy, 25 years old. His wife name’s Uch Asa, 39 ...
EthicalMuch Cambodia
His name’s Van Kea, 52 years old. His wife name’s Ma Narin, 50 ...