Cambodia 179
Her name is Prak Net, about 65. Originally, she was born in Kampot. Due to her religious cause, she moved to live in this hill community, serving Buddhist monks and poor families here.
By serving temples here, she receives food to feed herself. Though, she is not a believer, she said she would go and join our Christian services if available in her community.
As we gave this package to her, some of her neighbors felt jealous because they see her being with religious events up on the peak, more resources.
It’s hard for our team to judge the reality of the situation. When we arrived about to distribute the packages, this woman came to her, keep knocking the door of donations. I had to give because of her endless approaching us.
Status: Poor window, religious woman.
Location: Korkrovieng village,Cheoung Prey commune, Cheoung Prey district, Kompong Cham province.
Items to be provided are : Rice , MSG, Rody ( Seasoning), Fish sauce, Soy sauce, Salt, Frying oil , Pepper and Sugar.
Total expenses: $ 20
Thank you and God Blessed you Mr. Bird
Muylen and Community peopleĀ