220./ New area, new people to help.
Posted cards into a new area, calls and texts come in within a day. First one, a lady rings on behalf of an elderly chap, and requests a food parcel for him.
These parcels are the beginning of a new way of doing things. I went to STC Church in Crookes and they provided some additional contents, items they have a surplus of, so now we can give twice as much.
This elderly chap, diabetic, almost deaf, could hardly walk, there’s no way he could get out from his balcony flat to get food from anywhere and of course he has no internet access or ability to find any resources. This should last him a while though. And now we’ve also registered him with the Church food bank, so we’ll bring him a parcel every week, half from the Church, half from our brilliant donors.
Very kindly funded by Ursula on GoFundMe