196./ Sunday top up
Sunday; young family get in touch asking for electricity top up, they’re down to their last pound.
We’re looking after them, so yes, we fly over and put £20 on. This is a bit more than we usually would, but A./ We know this family are are making best effort to support them, B./ A donor had given us £20 cash, which is almost impossible for us to bank and difficult to use at Aldi because we either end up going over, or under, in either instance creating the kind of change that makes admin difficult. However, it was a perfect way to spend exactly £20. And for this family it’s a feeling of abundance, of having enough electricity. And we are going to get them a halogen heater in the next few days so it means they’ll spend less in future anyway.
Kindly donated by Becka.
PS our GoFundMe is best in future!